2017 EDSIG Proceedings - Workshop Presentation

Red Hat Academy: Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Education

Trisha Turlington
Red Hat

Angel Penny
Red Hat

As the popularity of Linux in modern IT has grown, so has the demand for Linux and related skills in the job market. For higher education institutions, building courses to match the expectations of enterprises, while keeping them up to date as technology rapidly evolves, can be a timely and costly undertaking. Learn how our Red Hat Academy program can outfit your institution with hands-on instruction across platform, middleware, and cloud technologies, challenging your students with use cases that will equip them with the industry-ready skills in demand. Join us to hear how we can help you become a differentiator in education and offer your students a program that is based on the premise that learning involves not just thinking, but doing, and ultimately that they are our future leaders in Technology.

Target Audience:
Information Technology/Computer Science Instructors, Deans or Program Chairs of Information Technology Departments, Project Managers of various Industry Grants targeted at I.T education investments

Recommended Citation: Turlington, T., Penny, A., (2017). RedHat Placeholder. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2017) n.4441, Austin, Texas