2017 EDSIG Proceedings - Workshop Presentation

Pega’s University Academic Program

Jeff Vandewege

Pegasystems – the leader in BPM, AI and CRM – has developed university curriculum in these subjects, using Pega as the technology. The courses are targeted a 3rd- and 4th-year students pursuing degrees in Business IT, CIS and MIS, as well as Computer Science. The materials are free to the university along with the in-person training for the professor. 30 schools worldwide are offering this curriculum to their students, which can lead to sought-after certification and employment at Pega’s clients. Come and find out more about this cutting edge technology.

Targeted Attendees
Professors, deans, chairs of Business IT, Computer Science, and Digital Marketing departments

Recommended Citation: Vandewege, J., (2017). Pega’s University Academic Program. Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference, (2017) n.4443, Austin, Texas